I Quit!

Thank you all so much for the support thus far. I really appreciate it. The comments, Votes, Power stones, reviews among others. 

Well, do keep them coming, guys. I promise not to disappoint. 


Adriana engaged in a lot of talks with her father until sleep had totally eluded her. She just couldn't help herself, as she needed to know about the many happenings at home. She felt an urgency to join her mom at home, and as a result, she decided to fast-track her stay in Country C. 

Adriana was tempted to talk to her father about the composition of the team from Silence, however, she decided against it. She knows her father would be extremely happy to hear the news, but it would be better to make him see for himself, rather than getting him agitated and restless at the moment. After all, he has a pregnant wife to worry about, and nothing else should be allowed to steal his attention.