Adriana you hothead!

Kayla had a few glasses of wine, though not drunk completely, she was a little tipsy. Consequently, her response to stimuli, as well as events was a little slower than usual. When it was finally time to leave, Adriana took the lead as she watched the time on her wristwatch and smiled subtly. 

When Kayla saw her boss' smile, she could only say a little sluggishly, "boss, you smile so beautifully" She gave a stupid smile and added with an infatuated look, "if I had a brother, I would have made him thrash it out with all your secret admirers… Including the next-door neighbor" 

Kayla realized she had spoken out of turn and covered her mouth while smiling sheepishly. "Let's go boss, it's getting late" She moved as though she had been waiting for Kayla for so long and was in such a hurry to leave after finally spotting her.