Here to Steal the show Again?

Bruno was happy to hear the gunshot, knowing fully well that it wasn't fired by Adriana. It only means that one of his men has finally caught up with them and shot the vixen on his behalf. He would have dealt with her later, since she may even have more information than he thought. 

He felt regretful that he didn't get what he wanted from her before she got shot…! "Hey wait, what's that pain shooting through my right wrist?"

"Aaaaaahhhhh!" His agonized voice filled the whole place, as he felt pain attack him like never before. Bruno has been hurt many times, but this is on a whole new level. Adriana covered her ears with both hands and taunted "geez! You scream like a bitch!" 

Bruno could not bother responding to the crazy lady before him, as the pain was so severe that he couldn't bear it. On a regular day, Bruno shouldn't have reacted to pain in such a manner. Never before has he felt pain so raw that he only wished to die.