
Adriana wasn't in the mood to banter words with an egotistical boss and her unethical sales personnel, who both feel that they call the shots, just because someone entered their retail outlet. Who even runs business this way anyway? 

However, when she heard the owner of the place rather telling them to walk out, she felt so angry and wanted to teach the woman a lesson. In the full view of everyone, Adriana picks up her phone and dials an unknown number, as Cecilia Pennton was spitting fire from her eyes. 

People do not reject her. She chooses whether she wants to be with someone or not. To think the strangers had the audacity to ignore her. They definitely didn't know who she was. By extension, they clearly do not know what is good for them, because, of all the people to provoke, he chose Cecilia Pennton, the closest person to Robert Pennton aside from his only daughter.