Tough Time!

Vicker and Sabrina Hastings fixed their questioning gazes on Aiden, urging him with their eyes to continue. Aiden continues by saying, "Adriana told me that the drug my father is currently taking would make him act up whenever a toxin is introduced to his system…. Why don't we create the impression that we have searched for a solution with friends, and even went as far as seeking help from our enemies also?"

Vicker leaned in his chair, with his back resting on the sofa, and added, "which only means that the Rockerfeller clan is on its knees… The current family head is at his wit's end… and everyone would be waiting to watch the new head make a fool of himself." 

"Have you considered that if this is Ricky's grand plan, he'll have a helper in mind for you?" Sabrina asked Aiden, who only nodded his head to indicate that he had everything under control.