Aiden... I'm Sorry!

"Ms Smith… Do you feel pain anywhere?" Adriana asks Lilia after checking her thoroughly. She noticed that Lilia was fine but still had to ask her, just in case she missed anything. Lilia on the other hand shook her head and gladly said, "I'm doing perfectly well…Ms Fynn… All thanks to you… I'm really grateful for…" Adriana clears her throat gently to draw Lilia's attention as she watches her with a look that says, "thought we agreed to end the thanks."

Lilia then smiles embarrassed while rubbing her elbow animatedly, "Errm!... Ms Fynn… I'm sorry… but… I just can't thank you enough… if you had not…" Lilia Smith continued her speech by attempting to bring up how she would have been in a more sorry state if Adriana hadn't appeared. Adriana, however, stopped her by saying, "it's nothing… don't worry about it."