[Bonus chapter] Are They Truly Twins?

"Good. Very good. Nurse Wendy, are you telling me that your margin of accuracy far supersedes the authenticity of this lab report? 

Or you wish to tell me that the Flynch twins have different fathers? 

Which is it? If you didn't commit any error, what then could account for this?" The attending doctor lashed out at Nurse Wendy, who then took a deep breath and said, 

"If I repeat the tests, please be there to watch me closely. You'll understand that I took my job seriously, only to get you scolding me for nothing." 

Nurse Wendy spoke back and moved to walk toward Dylan's room to draw his blood once more. The thought of how she was going to trouble the young man once again because of the doctor's nagging made her pissed. 

"How can the lab commit an error of this magnitude, and you'll place all the blame on me? We'll see when the results are out in a few minutes." Wendy mused in anger.