Who Said I Came For Robin?

"Ramzey! Why are you such a fool? Aah?" Adriana yelled in anger. Ruze, on the other hand, couldn't help blurting out dejectedly, 

"You don't want anything to do with me anymore. What do you even care?" 

Adriana squinted and asked, "Are you trying to blackmail me?" "I wouldn't dare" Ruze responded in all sincerity. 

However, he went ahead to add, "Your skills are still the best, you know? How could I lose my bragging rights by having a fallout with the best? I'd rather die." 

Adriana felt so frustrated with Ruze that she blurted with determination, "Suit yourself." 

The two sidekicks were wondering what just happened. They couldn't help looking at each other in terror. 

"We had our eyes on her all along. When did she even pull out her gun?" One of them murmured. 

The other one murmured in return, "She could have killed us. She could have really killed us."