[Bonus chapter] Guess!

Adriana's expression turned violent at Gerald Flynch's sudden inquiry. She felt her blood boil so much that the air around her became stifled. 

Gerald could feel the cold vibe emanating from her, even though she was quite a distance away from him. 

"Guess" Adriana responded to him and slammed the door shut. She needed to get lost before she did something she'll definitely regret later on. 

Gerald Flynch didn't know what to believe anymore. He felt like he was in a long nightmare. 

Adriana didn't answer his question either, but there was no other way for him to find out. He wouldn't dare to investigate Emily anymore. 

"Oh, God. What have I done?" Gerald thought in defeat. He knew he had no right to ask about Emily, but he also felt that it was too late to start regretting now. 

"I'm sorry. Wherever you are, Emily please forgive me." Gerald prayed as a hot tear fell from his right eye into his cheek.
