I'm Learning!

***Steamy Scene Ahead!!!*** 

Irina felt that she could pee her pants at any moment. Raw dread filled her entire being, and she couldn't think of any other thing than to beg Kristof with everything she's got. 

She was clutching Kristof's leg so tight that the young man was getting more and more aroused. 

Her dilemma did not affect him in the slightest. He couldn't even hear her plead, as he was already in a world of his own. 

As the control freak that Kristof was, he wouldn't share his woman with any of his boys, but he had to keep the spoiled brat in check. He thought that she would be too difficult to control in the future if he doesn't clip her wings right now. 

He closed his eyes as if he was thinking about something when the guard walked to Irina and offered her a drink. She recognized that it was the same glass she was drinking from just now, but she was too scared of the man to take anything from him.