[Bonus chapter] Hey, You... Scram!

To my lovely readers, thank you so much for your incessant support. As promised, I'll keep stable updates from now onward. So expect nothing less than three chapters a week. 



"Wh..what do you want?" Adriana asked defensively, as she suddenly felt Aiden withdraw his soft lips from hers. She tried everything possible to hide the blush that was slowly cropping up on her cheeks, all to no avail. 

She had been sleeping peacefully like a baby. Adriana had such a hard time falling asleep the previous night. The thought of marrying Aiden Rockerfeller so suddenly was making her nervous. She was wondering how her life was going to be afterward. What she needed to do, and how she would live as a married woman. 

What really made her worked up was when she remembered how she was going to be tied to the man for good. In Sabrina's words, marriage is for better or worse. One couldn't ever choose where to stand.