
"You've been gone for a while." Adriana declared in a calm voice. She had returned a few minutes ago and noticed that Aiden was not sleeping in the room as she had requested earlier. "You've not slept a wink for so many hours, Aiden. Is that too difficult to ask for? Or, do you wish for Old Troy to worry about your health when he awakens?" She probed further. There was no expression on her cute face, but Aiden knew she was pissed with him. 

He quickly moved to the bed and reached out to her, only for Adriana to avoid his touch. "Come on, sweetheart. There's something I needed to take care of." Aiden reasoned. Adriana was not happy with his response, so she added, "Was that something more important than your health?" He was quiet, but she still spoke anyway, "You could have kept him waiting for a while. You know I'm worried about your health as it is."