Falling into the rightful place

"I'm so sorry to hear this, Robin. 

Hope you are alright." 

Rowan asked kindly. He didn't know how to console his cousin who was only staring at his phone as if he was unbothered. However, he could tell that his mind wasn't on the device in his hands. "So, what are your plans?" Rowan probed further. "I employed a nurse to care for him. According to the doctor, he has become more like a vegetable, and there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. All the tests proved that he could never walk again. The stroke hit him really hard." Robin tried so hard to downplay the matter as much as possible.

"Well, some people recover from stroke, but others don't. So, there's no need to pronounce him a vegetable. We could seek further help for him. Don't you think?" He tried to make him see the brighter side of things, hoping that it could cheer him up a little.