She’s not in the van

"It's all set here!" 

"All set!"

"All set!" 

"All set!" 

"All set!" 

Adriana, Matilda, Zeke, Aiden, Captain Kendrick, and even Xander all took their positions at various places at one place or the other. With some, they only had to coordinate with their forces. The agenda was to put an end to Silence once and for all. With the floor plan in their possession, even the public enemy, Robin Flynch wasn't left out of the operation. 

With a decisive "Now!" Matilda gave the order for the operation to begin. 

***Country C***

Bullets flew everywhere, as some goons were ambushed by another group. Their hideout was seized and everyone was arrested and handed over to the police. Those who tried to run were gunned down without a second thought. The authorities could only describe the whole process as a "Clean sweep." 

***Country T***