Training with Kiba was a complete wipe out.
Belial had Kiba make him a sword and teach swordsmanship, after which they sparred. Far from being able to compete with him, Belial was utterly destroyed in both speed and technique.
Beaten and battered, he returned home and cried. Well he almost did, except he was so tired he fell a sleep before he could.
The next day progressed normally. Belial has taken a new habit of running 10km before school, but aside from that, the day passed uneventfully.
Now after school, the gremory peerage is once again gathered at the club room.
"Kiba will be going on a job today, so you will occompany him, Belial." Rias declares. Meanwhile stamping some documents.
"I see. Is there anything special I should wear?" Belial scratches his chin and thinks out loud.
"No, your uniform will do." Rias answers without care.
"I will prepare the magic circle." Akeno says and casts a spell. Making a red circle appear on the floor.
"Ho! Magic!" Belial exclaims in suprise.
"Fufufu. Is this your first time, Belial-San?" Akeno asks.
"Yes. First time." He grins, with obvious sexual innuendo.
"Ara ara. Ufufu, then I should give you some lessons on magic, soon." She responds.
"So you are an experienced woman? In that case I think Akeno-san can teach me a lot." Belial says, directing his gaze back at the magic circle.
Akeno simply chuckles and finishes casting. "Now, step on the circle and you will be teleported." She says.
Kiba proceeds as normal, while Belial is a bit careful. Curiously staring in front of his feet.
"Hai!" Akeno raises her hand and the two disappear.
They reappear in the middle of a luxurious living room.
"Oh! Kiba-kun, it's so nice to see you." A woman in her 40s attracts Belial's attention. His eyes almost pop out, seeing her clad in only underwear. Casually sipping on wine.
"Who have you brought with you?" The woman asks. Her tone and expression looking very seductive.
"This is my colleague, Zagaroth Belial-San. This is his first day, so he'll be accompanying me." Kiba explains, with a friendly smile.
"Hmm. Well, I have everything prepared, so... shall we start?" The woman asks.
"Yes, madam." Kiba nods. Proceeding to walk towards a massage table. He takes off his jacket and rolls up his sleeves. Indicating for her to lie down.
"If you would." Kiba urges.
The woman downs her glass and does as told. Belail now realises what's going on.
A massage service!
He keeps his eyes on them, as Kiba oils up the madam and begins his work. Smushing and kneading the 40 year old woman with a practiced touch.
"You can go lower, I don't mind." The woman remarks.
I see what's going on here.
The middle aged woman has a kink for getting a handsome, young devil to massage her. Does she want to go all the way, or just a little erotic massage, who knows. That's not the point.
The point is to use whatever you have and get as much out of your clients as possible. So a devil is like a greedy handyman, who will do anything for the right price.
As a sidenote, the woman isn't special in the looks department. A human woman in her forties, experiencing a syndrome called sag. Her looks are overwhelmingly mid.
Smitten with this handsome devil, the middle aged woman is paying top dollar for Kiba to massage her flesh sack! And the commute is instantaneous? What a business!
Belial continues to observe, while thinking his thoughts. After about an hour, Kiba finishes up and gets payed. However the sum makes Belial's face go numb. Completely shattering his expectations.
Just that?
Kiba and Belial arrive back at the club room, with Rias waiting for them.
"How was it?" She asks, hands on hips.
"What a drag." Belial let's his true feeling show accidentally. Rias frowns. But he isn't interested in acting anymore.
"Kiba massaged the old woman for an hour and got payed dimes. Why? Why sell yourself for so little? You should be taking an arm and a leg." Belial preaches with fiery passion. He has worked in sales before, so he's familiar with the tactics. This looks to him like youngsters helping out aunties.
Kibas payment wasn't horrible. It was market price at least. Perhaps even above the normal. But he's a devil!
If the aunties just wants a massage, why not hire a masseuse? No, she went out of her way to get a handsome devil boy to perform a relaxing, slightly risqué session. That's worthy of a premium price!
"We might be devils, but that doesn't mean we rob people blind. We take fair compensation for our services." Rias explains. Earning a disappointed expression from Belial.
"Rias-san, please take a look at me, then look at Akeno, Kiba and finally, yourself. Do you see anything fair about us?" Belial cocks his eyebrows, as if daring Rias to responds. He continues. "The answer is no! We're supremely handsome and beautiful. People would pay us simply to show our faces..." He stops talking and breathes in and out. Calming down.
Rias is standing straight and frozen. Looking like she was just scolded for something she doesn't understand.
I got a bit too heated.
"Anywah, buchou. I'll do my own thing. Don't worry, I got this." Belial walks beside her, laying a hand on her shoulder, he gives her a thumbs up and winks. Then proceeds to leave the room.
Outside the door, Belial buries his face in his hands and cringes. "Ayaa! That wink was so cringe! Cringe! Cringe! Cringe! I'm never doing that again." He mutters to himself and escapes in embarassement.
Days pass, uneventfully.
Perfect for Belial.
He continues to train crazily. Torturing his body, like he's excersing mental demons. Yet instead of experiencing burnout, he's seeing growth.
A devils physiology is so fucking insane, he's seeing results from his strength training in just a few days! His heightened regeneration ensures a fresh, healed body by the morning. Allowing him to do crazy things with his training.
Aside from the gymn, Belial has been bugging Kiba to spar with him, every chance he gets. The Gremory Knight has already acknowledged Belial's talent with the sword, but is shocked at how fast he's improving.
The Gremory peerage is not ready for a guy like Belial.
He trains as he walks, he trains as he sits down, he trains as he studies. Every single movement is made with purpose. To hone him into a better warrior.
It's an obsession, not a hobby.
Now the long awaited day has finally arrived. Today, Akeno will be teaching Belial some magic.
They're at the club room, by themselves this time. Akeno has instructed Belial to focus inside himself and formulate a ball of demonic energy in his hands.
"I got it." He announces, opening his eyes. A ball of red energy between his two hands.
"Amazing! You already managed to do it." Akeno praises.
Then something unexpected happenes. The red ball of energy suddenly starts mutating and turns black. Instead of energy, now a lump of darkness rests between his hands.
"Is this normal?" Belial asks, examining it.
Akeno peers closer, a bit confused. "This isn't supposed to happen normally..." She doesn't have an answer.
Belial makes the ball disappear and shrugs his shoulders. "Let's chalk it up as a unique feature. What's next."
Akeno stands up straight, with a slight smile. "Looks like you have some talent for this, Belial-san. Since you can already gather demonic energy, you should be able to use elemental magic, by imagining it. Like this." Akeno demonstrates, making a ball of fire appear in her hand.
"Hmm." Belial hums and closes his eyes. Focused on circulating his energy and imagining a burning flame.
It takes a few minutes, but eventually a small whisp of fire manifests in his hand.
"Amazing!" Akeno once again exclaims in awe.
But once again, the flame mutates and turns dark purple. Emitting a threatening aura.
"Is this supposed to happen?" Belial questions, examining it.
Akeno peers closer, an awkward smile on her face. "This doesn't normally happen. But let's chalk it up as your unique feature."
Belial gives her a wry smile. Closing his fist and making the flame disappear.
"I'm so glad we have another magic caster in out team. I have heard you've also been learning swordsmanship from Kiba. Do you plan on becoming a magic swordsman?" Akeno questions.
Belial leans back on the couch, humming in thought. "I don't know. I just want to be strong." He looks at her.
"It looks like you have sufficient talent, so if you continue to work hard. I believe you can do it." Akeno gives him an encouraging smile.
"If you believe in me, I already feel stronger." Belial smiles.
"Ufufufu." Akeno chuckles.
Belial falls into thought. Seducing Akeno shouldn't be a big deal, right?
He has declared Rias a no go zone. Since he needs the switch princess to do her job and rile up the oppai dragon. How else could Issei take care of the annoying stuff for him.
For now, Belial's plan is to just train himself to be able to compete with the top beings. Women come later.
Besides it's not like the girls of the Gremory peerage are the only hotties of the world...