It was already night when she returned to town and said goodbye to the couple.

This quest bore good fruit, Toninho the name of the pet bear she tamed was already at level 8, had 2160 hp and 320 defense. He had more hp and defense than her.

Looking at the quests that he had, besides the Adventurer's Guild. There was the quest of the dead man who gave her up.

Walking through the streets she arrives in the center of town, where the biggest buildings were.

She stops in front of a white building with a statue of a three-winged angel. There was the headquarters of Luminus, one of the most powerful factions. It had the mission to take care of the rifts, of the demons and corrupted monsters.

She enters, heading for the reception desk and shows the diary.

- Hold on a moment.

- Of course.

After a few moments he returns, asking her to follow him.

Passing through the corridors, they stop in front of a large door. She knocks and an old man's voice answers, telling her to enter.

The door is opened, and the two enter. Aelyn can see sitting behind an old wooden table, was an old man who appeared to be about 50 or 60 years old. Even old and gray he could feel his overwhelming presence.

- Is that her?

- Yes, sir.

- Thank you, you may leave.

- With your permission I will go. - Bowing slightly, I leave, leaving the two of them. -

- Sit down for a moment, don't be afraid, I just want to ask you a few questions. - She thanks him and sits facing him. - Thank you for bringing the diary and your identification.

- What I did wasn't much.

- Don't be modest. The life of being an adventurer is not easy, even more so when dealing with cracks. Sometimes nothing comes back. What happened with the demon?

- I defeated it. I could only do it because I was weak.

- You should be around level 10, don't belittle yourself. You have talent. - He smiles and gets up from his chair - I must thank you, if the demon recovered, it would be a huge disaster. - Let me stop rambling, we at Luminus owe you a lot. - He thinks for a moment. - What do I think about joining us?

- Join, but .... Are you sure?

- I am old and not lapsed, you defeated a demon with your own strength. You've already shown a lot of courage and bravery, we Luminus like people like you. But this will not be your prize, I will give you reputation points to play for some good items. So what do you say?

- I am very honored that you will help me.

- Great, come with me.

Time later she leaves the building with a slight smile, she won 10000 reputation points, this because the guy's body was the son of a friend of the old man. She was very excited for next to nothing. The items were too expensive, her points were not enough. She picked up two accessories that took 6000 points.

The first was a necklace that gave 30 Dexterity and 10% critical damage. The other was the ring that gave 10% Elemental damage.

She decides to go after the fish for the new recipe. She knew it would be profitable. Going towards the exit she doesn't notice that someone was watching her and follows a little behind. Going out the west exit, that path led to the river in the region.

After a few steps out of the gate. A group of ten people come up to her and surround her, looking at her in a hostile way.

- Do you want something?

- Where is the wolf guy who was with you? It's better to talk in order to really suffer.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- What to play hard to get. I want to see if you will continue like this when you die a few times.

- I don't even know who you idiots are, now who will attack me.

- Come on, it seems that only a few deaths will make you learn not to mess with the Impacts.

- Ah, you're all idiots. You should think about teaching your people not to steal other people's bosses.

- Kill her! - The archer shoots an arrow, Aelyn reacts quickly and dodges. The leader who had spoken to her gets angry. - You idiot, how can you make mistakes? You are incompetent. Finish her off.

- Oh, shit! - She tenses up a bit, quickly calls her pet.

- The space in front of her glows and a large, brown-coated animal appears. It looks up and lets out a big roar, scaring the attackers.

- What the fuck is that?

- A bear? How is that possible?

- You idiots, she must be a tamer. Kill her first and he's gone! - says the irritated leader. -

The guys launch their attacks, the bear gets angry. He raises his paws and hits the ground, all the attacks are focused on him, protecting his mistress from all the attacks.

The guys are surprised they didn't count on the animal pulling the agro to itself. Aelyn doesn't ask for time, she draws her bow and aims towards the two heals, she uses the FOCUS and CUTTER ARROW skill and hits a Headshot that a critical that kills the priest without having any reaction.

People coming out of the gate, stopping for the confusion. Seeing her summon the big bear they are surprised and some start filming the fight.

- How can a tamer be strong. What do we do captain? - Asks one of the surprised subordinates. -

- Idiots, it's only one tamer and they are already like this. Mages use your attacks, warriors kill this bear.

- You think I'll let you do it without fighting back? Toninho Stonehide, bite these idiots.

The mages attack and she deflects, unlike him she had an advantage in equipment and since she used manual aim, she was faster and her accuracy from many years of practice was very good. Shooting her arrows at these idiots was almost like shooting at targets in the old days.

She and Toninho make a perfect duo, he was the tank she needed, not letting anyone get close to her. The two of them eliminate one by one leaving the leader underfoot.

- You will pay dearly for this. My clan will hunt you down.

- Isn't he already doing it? First they try to steal the boss from other people's quests and then they sing their hearts out. The idiots from before must have cried and told a good story. Now they want to use me to make a name for themselves.

- And from there I add the Impacts one of the biggest guilds in the Desolate World game.

- That's there, here is 2 World another game. You think they're going to be good.

- If you kill me... - She makes a command and Toninho rips his head off, killing quickly. -

- Idiot still tries to threaten me. Come on Toninho, I'll catch some good fish for you.

Aelyn leaves without worrying about her pet by her side, unaware that her fight was recorded and posted on YouTube and quickly got many views, in the forums analyzing her and her pet.

- I like busty characters says: You can see that she must have set and accessories with Dex, look how she escaped several attacks.

- The Mighty One says: That's the least of it, look at her pet, has anyone ever seen a bear like that? He could take two warriors on him without breaking a sweat.

- Lilica says: I didn't think tamer was an available class, I would love to be and have cute pets.

- Yuny says: Fluffy pets won't help you.

- Lilica says: Quiet.

- Druid says: Where can you get a pet like that, I am a tamer and I want one.

The forum is still buzzing and the cause of this was walking quietly towards the river, after an hour of walking he finally manages to get out of the forest and manages to look at the river and not far away a swamp.

System: You have discovered the Desolate Swamp

She approaches the river, to cross it she had to swim or take a boat, and it was deep and dark water. Walking along the banks she couldn't find anyone around. After a few minutes the one corner of the river begins to bubble and 3 fish-men with primitive weapons.

Soldier Fish-Man

Level: 16

Hp: ?

Mp: ?

- Fishman, it looks like it's their territory here and they're pretty high level. Let's try it, Toninho hold them off, Nyx and Li'l Lobo attack later.

The Fishmen were smarter and more organized. They knew how to attack and flank. It was lucky that Toninho had plenty of hp. After a while the mobs died. She dropped her fins, scales and money.

And a good amount of money came in, she collects it all and continues searching. After walking, she finds a small hut and on the porch sitting in a rocking chair and smoking a pipe, was an old gentleman.

She approaches him slowly.

- Hello Grandma.

- Hello.

- Grandma, do you know how I can go fishing?

- What do you want to fish for? These waters are dangerous.

- I need fish to make a recipe and feed the fish.

- Um... For fishing you need a rod.

- A rod, I don't have one. Grandma, how can I get one?

- Um... - He puffs his pipe slowly. - Are you a good hunter?

- I try my best.

- Then prove it to me. Bring me 50 fins from the Fishmen.

- Okay, Grandma.

She leaves and goes back to the river bank, the mobs are quickly reborn. She begins the tedious work of hunting. After gathering the order, the old man asks for 100. Making her angry, at least in the end the drope was good.

After delivering the 100 fins the old man asks for 150, almost cursing the old man goes back to work. At least after collecting so much, his collection goes to level 2. Making it a little easier to come up with the items. After so much time she goes up a level, reaching level 14, Nyx and Li'l Lobo reach her level and Toninho reaches level 11.

When she finishes, she goes back to the old man.

- Not bad little girl, not bad.

- Why do you want the fins so bad, Grandma?

- To make bait. - Look at her surprised face. - Now I want them... - He starts to laugh when he sees the indignant face she makes. - Ha, ha, ha. I was just playing with you, look at that face.

- Grandma, don't do that.

- Sorry, it was fun. I don't need anything else. Here, you've proved you're a good hunter. Then you deserve it.

System: You won a bamboo fishing pole.

System: You get skill book, bait making.

- The second one is a gift from me, to catch good fish you need good bait.

- Thanks Grandma.

- Never mind, when you make the fish let me taste it.

- Sure.

She thanks him and walks away. After receiving a fishing rod, he got his second profession: Fisherman.

The simple green quality rod and no bonus. Going to the river once again she goes to a quiet place and uses the pets for protection.

She starts fishing and already noticed that it would not be easy. Without the bait, the fish didn't bite so easily and if she pulled too hard she could get away. After many attempts she catches a salmon.


Level: Green

Size: Small

- That's not even enough to fill your stomach Toninho. Well, let's continue.