Motto: Never let the past or fear judge your future.
She then took out the engagement box. I quickly checked my pockets and it was gone.
She then said, "I was a thief for 6 six years. And when you spend 20 years as a housewife. So taking something from your pockets is easy."
I then took her panties out of my pockets and she quickly checked. She realized it was hers.
I then said, "You aren’t the only one with skills."
"OK. I am pregnant," she then said and I sat down.
I then said, "One night can't get you pregnant."
She then took out her phone and played a video of me holding her down. As she begged I covered her mouth and continued raping her.
I swallowed and said, "I, I, fell off my AA program 3 weeks ago. I was not conscious. I didn't even know how I got home."
She smiled and said, "You had rough sex with me and I loved it. And now I am carrying the fruits of our Labour."