Motto: A gangster always has a few tricks up his sleeve. It is how they say ahead.
I got up and we went to go get Earl to disappear. I then got Earl and then we brought him down to the garage. Then moments later my four armored vehicles and 4 Saga Security vehicles pulled out of the garage. A car then followed closely behind them.
Harris then texted me, "They took the bait."
Garth pulled the side door and we walked out with Earl.
He then said, "I see you are getting creative Nicky."
Newell and my boys pulled up with a GMC Bus. We got in and then they drove off. The motorcade pulled onto a back road and stopped at a stoplight. As the men stopped and got their AK-47 two men went up to the Windows.
Then Detective Simmons said, "I would tell you not to move because I will kill you. But you already know that. So get out with your arms on your head."
They got out as they arrested them we drove past.