Motto: To become a king you have to kill one. That is law in the illegal world
Cristina, me, and Jasmine sat in the trunk of my Range Rover. As we sat there a DEA Agent came to me.
He then said, "My name is Lt. Samuel Corners. My father served with you, Col. Anderson."
I looked at him and said, "I don't remember your father. And my days in the MI-5, I buried a lot of friends."
He got a picture from his wallet and showed me it.
I saw a man in a military uniform, recognized him, and said, "Wind! Oh my, I didn't know he had kids."
"Yep! He was the only man in your unit that survived Budapest. He told me how you saved his life. If it wasn't for you he wouldn't have made it home. I had 7 years with him before he died from cancer," he replied and I quickly said, "I didn't know. I am so sorry."