Chapter Three

Bloom's POV

I looked around the camp, a place I once called home was nothing but a pile of ashes.

I looked around the camp praying to the moon goddess that I'll find a single body that wasn't burnt but not all prayers are answered.

"Blo we have to go"har said pulling me towards the other side of the forest. I don't know how long I've been running and soon my feet felt numb.

I was panting heavily and that's when har decided to stop.

Her eyes were still glassy as she sat down in between a thicket bringing her knees up to her chest. I sat beside her mimicking her actions.

Soon, tiny stars began to appear in the dark sky brightening up the night. The moon appeared soon and that's when I thought about the moon goddess.

"Bloom" said har nudging me with her elbow, her eyes wide in fear.

"Yes" I whispered quietly.

"We have to go" har said standing. I stood up and that's when I heard a twig snapped. To say I was scared was an understatement. Har turned to look at me and gestured for me to be quiet.

It was times like this that I wished we were in a pack so we were able to mind link.

Another twig snapped capturing my attention. I gulped and I stared at har who looked ready to kill. That's when I realised how bad it is not to be able to shift. Har can probably outrun whomever was stalking us while I become dinner or lunch.

Speaking of dinner, I could really use one now.

"Fool ,our lives are at stake and all you can think about is food" melody yelled.

I guess she's the hungry one.

"I know someone's here" a voice growled.

"Come out now and maybe we won't eat you alive"another voice growled.

Great! Now I'll have two deadly male rogues fighting over my body.

And that's when my body decided it was time to remind me of my current situation by letting out a loud growl.

My eyes widened in horror and I could feel melody pace around.

Har grabbed my wrist and sprinted off in the opposite direction. And that's when I realized all the trouble my stupid stomach had kept us in.

And then the realization dawned on me that I won't only be running for my life but I'll also be hiding from the clutches of other wolf packs.

I was a lone rogue.....




I don't know how long Har and I have been together since the death of our pack but using the rising and the setting of the sun method, I'll say we've been alive together for twelve days.

I watched the cute rabbit as it nibbled the patch of grass.

"Are we gonna eat dinner or stare at it" har whispered angrily.

"We have to let it have its last dinner. It isn't fair in our part" I whispered back.

"Well I'm starving and I'm starting to consider you as dinner" har whispered threateningly.

"Fine" I walked slowly towards the rabbit and I could see Har do the same from the corner of my eyes.

Grabbing the rabbit, har swiped her claws and ripped out it's throat. Carrying the dead rabbit, I followed after Har who carried some dried leaves and woods.

Making a fire to scare away the animals and mosquitoes, we made dinner.

I almost moaned as the taste of the rabbit filled my taste buds. The last time I had a proper meal was two nights ago.

Har and I just caught a fawn for dinner. We were so caught up in preparing dinner that we didn't hear a twig snap. When we were done preparing dinner, that's when we notice the change in the atmosphere.

A low thunderous growl escape our stalker's throat. Turning around, I saw two red piercing eyes watching us.

I gulped loudly and backed away.

Seeing Har afraid was enough to tell me we couldn't take down this rogue. His eyes were bright red and it could mean two things.

One: He recently lost his mate or a loved one.

Two: He wants blood.

Well, Har and I managed to outrun the rogue and then became vegetarians for two days until now.

I ate quickly keeping my eyes and ears open. Har mirrored my actions and soon we were done with dinner.

Sighing happily, a twig snapped.

Already in defence mode, I waited for the intruder to make a move, Har by my side.

A guy came from the tree line, a smirk plastered on his face. Three more rogues emerged from behind, each of them having a mischevious smirk plastered on their face.

Their dull red eyes narrowed at us.

"Change of plans guys, how about we have some appetizers first before dinner" said the first guy staring at me while licking his lips.

"I agree with you" said another guy winking at me.

I cringed in disgust.

They took large steps towards us while Har and I backed away.

Looking at Har, she nodded at me and thats all it takes for me to sprint to the other side if the forest.

Footsteps followed mine but I didn't make the mistake of looking back.

I zig-zagged my way through the tree lines but whoever was following me wasn't planning on giving up anytime soon.

Increasing my pace, I ran straight ahead, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Soon the footsteps began to fade away until I was met with silence.

Coming to a halt, I leaned against an oak tree taking deep breaths.

Looking around, I noticed a change in the atmosphere.

'You fool, we are in a pack Land' said Melody.

'What?!' I mentally shrieked.

Looking around, I noticed some buildings and I could hear the playful shrieks of children.

Swallowing the lump that was beginning to form in my throat, I began to run back towards the pack's border.

All the while my dad's words repeating itself over and over in my head.

'Never go close to any pack border or that'll be your last'

My heart was thumping wildly in my ears. Licking my dry lips, I sighted some markings on some trees.

Taking deep breaths, I pushed myself forward.

Almost there.

Soon I was tackled to the ground, I closed my eyes tightly.

Some minutes pass and I could still hear my heart beat and feel the weight of whoever tackled me.

I was pulled from the ground roughly and that's when my eyes shot open.

"Rogue" said one of the three men in disgust.


I've been caught!!

I'm gonna die!!!