Chapter 18

Chapter 18

It was a cold night, all I can feel was a man's hand surrounding my middle body part and in my thighs. His hand was soft giving me comfort to rest well. Then suddenly, police sirens were ringing in my ears.

I was just standing leaning in the walls crying while I watch Khai take away my body. Then the police came. The colors of blue and red lights struck my eye. It was all over the place and it was making me not see well.

I tried to open my eyes, it was all blurry. The color turned to white and now I sense differently. I can smell alcohols and medicine scents. But then, I can feel a hand gripped my body and a head leaning in my stomach.

It was mom, I know. I can recognize the same perfume I was used to.

I opened my eyes multiple times until the blurry was taken away. The first thing I saw was a pair of eyes looking directly. Then a pen pointed in my face.

"Follow the pen," the doctor said.

"Thank God you're awake!" Someone screamed. I turned my head.

Khai was standing beside me. His right hand had a couple of bandages and lots and lots of white strips.

"Wait. It's not a dream?" I asked out of shock. Khai looks like he came from an accident.

An accident? No.

A scene played in my head. It was the same dream I had. No, it was not a dream. It was real. It happened.

Yeah. He saved me from that man.

"When?" I wiggled my head. "What's today?" I asked them trying to figure out what just happened.

"Friday," was an alerted answer from the doctor.

Khai smiled and made a chuckle. "You fainted and slept past 24 hours." He was cool looking at me.

I guess I did sleep. "So it was not a dream?" I still ask getting bumps if it happened.

"How I wish it was a dream, Sam!" Mom screamed. Her face was looking annoyed.

I positioned my face to stare. "Why are you screaming!" I complained.

"Well, this is serious Sam! And you think it was a dream?" Mom continued to rant. "You were nearly raped or worse killed by that man!" Mom started to cry. I can see how much a mother cared for her child.

"You knew?" I asked.

"Of course, I know! I wouldn't be here if I didn't know!!" She was loud and even spank me on my shoulder.

Luckily, the doctor stopped her and said she could worsen her daughter's condition. Well, I say I am fine even if she will spank me twice but damn that one only really hurts. The doctor then left us.

Khai giggled. I glared at him angrily. My mouth opened as I tilted my head to ask him without sound coming out. "You told her?" My lips were expressing the forms of words.

Khai lifted one eyebrow. "Of course, I told her," he answered loud exposing it to mom.

Then Mom's hands fly again to hit me one more time. I shouted. "Mom. Aw!"

"And you're even blaming him!!"

I glared at Khai again and this time I was blaming him for the hurt. Mama spanked me hard the second time.

"He saved you, Samantha. You were lucky he was there!" Mom continued like I did not know what happened. I should know better.

"I know."

"Well then at least show some gratitude say thank you for saving your life!" Her tone never comes down.

"Thank you for saving your life."

Then they all looked at me. Especially Mama's eyeballs were like jumping off the floor. Well, she said it. She said that I say 'thank you for saving your life and I did.

"Are you for real to joke at this moment, Sam!" Now she unto yelling again.

I laughed a little and took my words back, fast before she could reach her hands again.

"Okay, okay! Fine." Thank goodness he calmed down. Then I looked at Khai. This time, I was serious. Looking directly at his attention. I could laugh, really like looking at him like that but I know I had to acknowledge the truth that he saved me. "Thank you Khai for saving me," then curled my lip ends to show a smile.

"My pleasure," he said and winked.

Now I was back to disgusted and rolled my eyes. Duh!

"Thank you for saving my baby," mom also expressed her thanks. She even neared Khai and hugged him. Eww!

"It's okay Mrs. Jacobs. It's what a gentleman should do," Khai at this time was so impressed by himself he started to buy mom. "And not to mention, your baby is my future baby too so it's okay no need to thank you," he even added while happily rubbing my mom's back.

For real? I looked at him terribly. "What are you saying, dude?" I protested.

And it was a late minute till mom realized. She detached and looked up to Khai's. He was a lot taller than her.

"Do you like Samantha?" she asked.

"No!" I yelled to respond.

Mom pointed her finger. "Shush! I am not asking you!" Mom ignored me then back to confronting Khai.

"Yeah, a lot!" Khai answered.

I rolled my eyes. He is doing it again.

"Well, that's it, you should at least give a space for your savior in your heart," Mom even agreed to him.

What? "No!" I refused. "You see mom, that man has many girlfriends and I don't bother to add myself to his collection."

Khai began snapping his fingers to make me stop my claims. "Okay stop, now you're sounding ridicule," he stopped me then turned to mom. "Believe me right now. I single. I am just handsome that every girl wants me that is why they keep clinging but I am a righteous man and I stick to one and that is Sam," he said.

I clapped my hands. "Wow! What a great liar. I'm not buying that!" I got up from my bed and tried to walk a few steps.

"Don't worry, I believe you," mom told Khai which made him happy and well as I am jealous while looking at each other.

I got a few steps more before I felt my legs were tired then took the chance to lean on the wall. I stared at Khai once more. Too long and focused. The scene wanted to play again but I wiggled my head three times to avoid it.

Then unexpectedly, I remembered the words that Danny had been saying.

"Can you leave us? I need to talk to mom. Alone," I asked Khai who was in the room with us.

They both stared at me confused that I asked this for a sudden. But I gave Khai a smile to understand.

Khai nodded and left.

"It's about Danny," I took the courage to say.

We were silent for a minute. Then suddenly she started crying. I gave her space and just let her while I wait.

Until Mom was wiping off her tears. She was turning her back from me. At this time, I did not know how to continue to confront her about Danny and was waiting for her to speak first.

Luckily she did. "What were you doing in that place?" she raised a question.

"That man knows you," I said ignoring her question. "Danny."

I can hear a large amount of air she let out from her nostrils.

"Were you?" I asked one more.

"Nearly," she finally answered. "Just like you. Nearly Sam. It had been a trauma for all those years." She wiggled her head and started crying again. "And I did not want to happen ever again."

I walked to near and hugged her. "Shhh. It did not happen mom, and it's not gonna happen," I said.

Mom was more vulnerable to situations like this. Yes, I am acting weird that I feel calm about what happened, thanks to dad this is what he passed to my blood. Dad was my inner part and mom well she is all my physical appearance.

And I am not surprised that mom revealed her past in our conversation. Danny and mom were friends group of friends with a couple of friends but got separated from the incident.

After a couple of minutes that we talked, Khai knocked and come in.

"The police are here."

Saying that Danny and his friends died in prison due to a sudden shooting affray this morning.

Khai turned on the news on TV. It was showing on the screen. Danny died. Danny died.

Danny died, the voice kept ringing in my ear. Why would he suddenly die, I mean he tried to hurt me and mom and he deserved to be punished but why die? Something's wrong.

Then out of silence the door loudly opened. Another man appeared before us as he called out to me.


And I happily called to greet my best friend who came to visit me. "Norton!"