[wowo buns]

When Xu Ci Nian entered the door, he saw Luo Xiaomao sitting in front of the mirror wearing makeup.

  There is a layer of bottles and jars on the dressing table, which is not too big, what to apply, spray, apply, foundation and lipstick... everything. On the small shelf next to the dressing table is a flax-colored wavy wig. His son was lying on the bed at the moment, stretching out his fleshy little hands to tug at the hair on the wig, a bun with a smirk on his face, and he didn't know why he was happy.

  When Luo Xiaomao heard the door slam, he turned around and found that it was Xu Cinian. He immediately slapped his lipstick on the table, picked up the child, and shoved it into his arms, "Oh, you've come back, hurry up and take good care of your son, and I'll keep going any longer. I'm so angry that I'm wrinkled, I'll tell you, look at him pulling my wig, it's about to fall apart!"  

  Xu Cinian chuckled, put down the things in his hand, and pinched his son's chubby cheeks, "Wowo, why are you so smart today, knowing that you will start taking off your Uncle Luo's wig?"

  The little name Mianwowo, the one-year-old little guy giggled, put his chubby face on it, sticking his teeth and claws in his father's arms, only the three small deciduous teeth in his mouth were left in his smile, and he was proud of taking credit. The shy little belly.

  Xu Cinian was amused, he pointed at the tip of his nose and said, "Next time, I will try harder to remove your Uncle Luo's floral dress, so that he won't be caught as a monster when he goes out."

  "Woooooooo~" Wowo couldn't express herself fluently, but she could already understand her father's words. At this time, her face was flushed with joy, she leaned up and kissed Xu Cinian's face, and happily returned Clap's hands and feet.

  "Hey, Xu Cinian, you are not a thing! I will help you watch my son for nothing, so you will repay me like this? Your son is really as good as you, and he is so fucking bad!"

  Luo Xiaomao rolled his eyes, wide open his legs, revealing two slender and smooth calves. With a pink skirt on his body, at first glance, he looked quite slender and ladylike, but once it was paired with him, he didn't wear a wig. The burr head, and the toothpick hanging from the corner of the mouth, seem extraordinarily happy.

  Xu Cinian has long been surprised by these things. When he first met Luo Xiaomao two years ago, this guy was dressed in women's clothes. If he hadn't said it himself, I'm afraid he still thinks his landlord is a woman by now.

  At that time, when he was just released from prison, he wanted to find a job to get through the toughest times first, but in Xu Xinian's eyes, he was already a "dead person". He was killed, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he left the S city where he grew up and went to a small county in a neighboring province.

  Although the small county town is not large, the law and order are very good. Xu Ci Nian did not dare to use his ID card to find a job, so he could only find some coolies on the construction site to make a living. But it's getting bigger every day...

  As a man, he couldn't imagine this terrifying feeling at all. Staring at his increasingly bulging abdomen, he felt an unprecedented panic. At first, he could comfort himself that he might have gained weight, but there was no meat all over his body. Big, it really made his scalp tingle with horror.

  Although my father once said that there are female organs in his body structure, knowing it is one thing, accepting it is another.

  He didn't know how to tell others about such a deformed body, and he didn't know how to get rid of this little monster that was constantly moving around in his stomach, so he didn't dare to go to the hospital, and he didn't know who could help him. Scalp dragging, looking forward to waking up this nightmare will be over.

  It's not that he never thought of taking a knife to dig out the contents of his stomach, but when the knife came to him, the little guy would shake violently, as if he felt a crisis somewhere, and then Xu Pinian suddenly softened.

  He himself is a monster who has no father's pain. Is he still harming an innocent child and making him a ghost before he is born? So what's the difference between him and his ruthless father?

  Lonely for too long, he also wanted someone to accompany him, even if it was a puppy, thinking that there might be a fat little guy who would meet him in the future, accompany him through his whole life, never betray him, this feeling is too much. It was extravagant, and he couldn't refuse it at all.

  When his heart softened, he left behind a lot of problems. He threw away all the sharps at home, and resolutely resigned from the coolie job on the construction site when his stomach could no longer cover it up.

  At that time, he had been living in a simple tent on the side of the road with a few migrant workers. Now he quit his job and couldn't even live in a tent. He was reluctant to let the little things in his stomach suffer, so he simply took the thousands of dollars he had saved for a long time. Qian found a rental room and met Luo Xiaomao for the first time.

  Luo Xiaomao is a very beautiful man, with a thin and tall face, and he is a bit better than some female stars in women's clothes, but he has been working in nightclubs. , so naturally few people look down on him, even if the rent he pays is low, those "serious people" don't bother to live with him.

  But Xu Cinian doesn't care about these things. He just wants a comfortable house. It has nothing to do with whether the landlord is a good person or a bad person. Besides, who knows what color heart is in his stomach when he looks at a quiet and dry person. Compared with people like Xu Xinnian, Luo Xiaomao did not know how many times cleaner than him.

  So, a pure man who wears women's clothes all day, and Xu Cinian, a monster with a big belly, who are both "different" people in society, have a taste of sympathy.

  In the past two years, he turned cooking, which was a hobby, into his main business, and opened a small food stall in a small county town, while Luo Xiaomao continued his nightclub dancing life. went to today.

  "Hey, what are you thinking? It's almost five o'clock, why haven't you set up the stall yet?" Luo Xiaomao turned around and asked while arranging the wig on his head.

  Xu Cinian came back to his senses and found that Wo Wo in his arms was biting with his fingers and playing, "It's nothing, I'm distracted for a while, I have to prepare the meat filling and dough, and I'll sell it later."

Why do I think it's so unreliable to open a small wonton stew stall in the downtown area?"

  Luo Xiaomao raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, then pretended to sigh, "Ah... I quit my previous job because of you, and now I came all the way to S City with you and went to Haohao. If you can't get your revenge on that 'prostitute' nest in the court club, I'm so miserable... who should I tell you!"

  Seeing his virtue, Xu Cinian couldn't help laughing.

  Luo Xiaomao is the only person in the world who knows all his secrets. He also knows how many bloody grievances he bears. When he knew that he went back to S City for revenge, he didn't say a word, and he led the dance at the nightclub that was doing well. After resigning from his position, he resolutely accompanies him to S City to work hard from the beginning.

  He never said this kind of loyalty, but Xu Cinian knew in his heart that this guy was hard-mouthed and soft-hearted.

  "Don't worry, as long as you are sure that Dong Feng lives near the city center, I can guarantee that it will attract his attention." Xu Cinian took the purchased dough and homemade meat filling and wrapped a fat white one. Small wonton stew on the chopping board.

  Luo Xiaomao sneered, "It's just your little wonton stew? Don't you forget that bitch Dong Feng | People who have followed your brother have been eating and drinking for several years, and would you still like this kind of roadside stall?"

  Xu Cinian took the dough and squeezed a little rabbit into his son. Without answering, he asked, "Do you remember what you taught me back then?"

  Luo Xiaomao raised his eyebrows, leaned over and leaned on Xu Cinian's back with a smirk, and pointed his fingertips on his neck and said, "Diaoyou, I teach you a lot, who knows what you say, it's difficult. Don't you want to be like me, seduce him?"

  "If you want to get mad, go find someone else, don't stick with me."

  Xu Ci Nian turned around and kicked him with a smile, the expression on his face was very subtle, "I have been thinking, why our four-year relationship can't compare to a Xu Xinian, and then I realized that men are all wicked animals. , the more you hang his appetite, the more he will stick to you, if you give him freedom, he will see you as worthless. So I put the wonton stew stall on Isn't it fun to let him see that he can't eat?"

  Luo Xiaomao was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Well, not bad, it really is an apprentice, I am very pleased for the teacher."

  Although the smile on his mouth was not serious, there was some emotion in his heart. When we first met, Xu Cinian was as cold as a stone. Although he was arrogant, he couldn't hide his thoughts, but after two years of baptism, he has settled into the appearance of joy and anger now, even if he hates it in his heart. Damn, he could laugh too.

  How much pain this change will go through, I am afraid only he knows.

  "I have inquired for you, Dong Feng is a frequent visitor to the Haoting Club, and he has a good relationship with a few small MBs there, and some even went home with him, so living near the city center should be eight|nine Not far from ten."

  With that said, Luo Xiaomao took out a piece of paper from the handbag and stuffed it into Xu Cinian's hand, "This is the phone number and the specific address of his house that I got from someone else's mouth. You can keep it for you."

  Xu Cinian stared at the note before saying a word, "Luo Xiaomao, if I like women, I will definitely marry you home."

  "Fuck you, second uncle! I'm a man!" Luo Xiaomao's nose was crooked, and he knew that Xu Cinian was no longer a young poplar with strong roots, but turned into a murderous poisonous tongue!

  At this moment, Mianwowo sitting on Xu Cinian's lap, I don't know when he put the fleshy Xiaoshou on Luo Xiaomao's fake chest, his big round eyes blinked and blinked, with a look of surprise on his face, "Soft...soft...almost..."

  Luo Xiaomao gasped: "..."

  Xu Cinian couldn't help laughing, and pinched his son's face with his flour-soaked hand, "Don't play hooligans in Wowo, otherwise, there will be no bunnies to play with."

  Wowo tilted his head, and after thinking for a long time, he retracted his hands, held the little-faced rabbit that his father pinched in his palm, and nodded vigorously, "Biao... Uncle, I want... Tutu."

  "Little bastard, I hurt you in vain!" Luo Xiaomao bit his wow's little face, put on his high heels, and walked out.

  After walking to the door and confirming that he was far away from Xu Cinian, he turned around and said with a stern smile, "Xu Cinian, your mouth is so poisonous, be careful that you will run into the rogue chief of the prison tomorrow, and he will not kill you! La la!"

  Xu Cinian put down a wrapped little chaos, raised his head, and looked at him with a smile, "What did you say? Say it again."

  Luo Xiaomao was most afraid of his expression. It was very scary for an iceberg to suddenly smile at you. He ran out of the door with a "mum" sound, stepping on high heels, and almost stabbed his foot halfway.

  Xu Cinian couldn't help laughing, staring at Wowo's pair of round eyes slightly dazed, the little guy's eyes were very beautiful, but he didn't look like him at all.

  He has typical long eyes, and the corners of his eyes are slightly raised, while the rogue he met in prison two years ago seems to have round eyes...

  Two years ago, what did you want to do now?

  With a sneer, he chased away the memory of that person in his mind, put down the last little wonton stew wrapped in his hand, counting the number, prepared the stove and the trolley, and turned around and was grabbed by his trousers.

  As soon as he lowered his head, Wowo was sitting on the small stool next to him, his two calves were swaying, and he looked at him with a pitiful look on his face.

  Xu Cinian was amused, got up and put a cream-yellow melon rind cap on his head, put on a light blue padded jacket and white rabbit gloves for his son, held up the soft and chubby wowo, and said, "Let's go, and go with Dad to sell Little Chaos."

  "Eat bastard...egg...\\( ̄▽ ̄)//" Wowo giggled and raised her claws excitedly.

  "It's wonton stew, not a bastard, little idiot."