The story of Adam

Adam, peace be upon him, is the first creature on earth and the first person who was honoured by God and breathed into his soul. Adam was one of the prophets of God Almighty, representing his sons throughout history until he inherits the earth and what is on it with all human beings (in his strength, forgetfulness and lack of mind). In the following lines, we will tell his story in detail.

What existed before the creation of the universe?

God was and there was nothing before him, and the first thing he created was the pen, then the preserved tablet, so he wrote the pen on it, then came the creation of creatures and the creation of the heavens and the earth, and so on.

When was Adam created, peace be upon him?

As for the order of creating creatures, according to the prophetic hadiths, God created the soil on Saturday, created mountains on Sunday, created trees on Monday, and created morbidity (harm and germs .. Etc.) on Tuesday, he created the light on Wednesday, spread the beasts on Thursday, and Adam, peace be upon him, was created after the afternoon on Friday, and he was the last creation in the last hour of Friday between the afternoon and Morocco.

He created angels, jinn, and devil

Before Adam, God Almighty created angels, and they are light creatures who praise God and always ask forgiveness. It is stated in the correct hadith that angels were created from light and created the jinn from fire, and Adam was created from what was described to them.

After the creation of the angels, the jinn were created from fire. In the Holy Qur'an, Satan says, "You created me from fire." God says, "The jinn we created before from the fire of poisons." This is the origin of the jinn, and Satan cursed him from the jinn. It is stated in the verse: "The devil was from the jinn." Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "Iblis was not one of the angels in the blink of an eye.

Who inhabited the earth before Adam, peace be upon him?

The jinn inhabited the earth and shed blood. God sent them a group of angels, so I devoured them a year before Adam was created in two years, and expelled them to Al-Bahour Algeria. These are the main centres of the jinn in those places, and the honourable hadiths came to indicate that Satan has a throne (the head of the jinn) and his throne on the water somewhere on earth.

Adam's message, peace be upon him

Allah Almighty says, "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship."

The story begins in the creation of Adam before his creation with a great heavenly dialogue between the Lord Almighty and the angels, peace be upon them, as stated in the Holy Qur'an: "And when your Lord said to the angels, "I will make a caliph on earth." Any creatures that multiply in the earth one by one, and rule and colonise the earth.

The jinn are less than to build the earth, and less rational than to build the earth. Scientists say about the jinn: "The wisest of them with the mind of a 10-year-old boy."

The angels asked, "Do you put in it those who spoil it and shed blood, and we praise you and sanctify you?" He said, "I know what you do not know."

And the angels did not say this objectionablely. The angels do not disobey God Almighty, but honourable servants who do not disobey God what He commanded them and do what they are commanded to do. They said this on the face of inquiry after they saw the creation of the jinn on earth after God gave them the choice, so the angels feared that

And the angels feared that they would be short in worshipping God Almighty, so it is stated in their words, "We praise you and sanctify you." I mean, as if they say, "Have we failed?"

God replied to the angels, "I know what you do not know."

And here the angels spoke among themselves and said, "Our Lord creates what He wills." He will not create a creation unless we are more honourable to God than him and know.

What created Adam, peace be upon him?

And when God wanted to create Adam, he ordered soil from the earth, so it was lifted up to him, according to the correct hadith, that God created Adam from the fist of all the earth by the angels. The children of Adam came as much as the earth, white, red, and black came from them and showed that. The malicious, good, easy, and sad came

In the beginning, the sons of Adam were dust and then clay. God said, "When your Lord said to the angels, "I am the creator of a human being from clay." Mud is wet soil, then the mud was wet more, so this clay began to stick, and then God Almighty formed it with his honourable hands. This came in the verse: "What I created with my hand." God did not entrust his creation to the angels, but by Himself, the Almighty, and He formed it in the form of a statue and left this good for a while. It became black clay depicted like pottery, and then left until it became clay, and black in colour with its dryness, and it became like the old sludge (i.e., black, which there are traces of ashes).

Allah Almighty says, "And indeed We created man from clay from old sludge."

In the honourable hadith, God left Adam and did not blow the soul into it. When Satan saw, he created Adam the hollow, he knew that he was created that he could not have no power and empty from within. Then God Almighty created him in this way, the hadiths detailed what Satan had done with him.

Adam, peace be upon him, formed after creation?

The hadiths of the Prophet say that God created Adam and his length is sixty cubits. The creation has been decreasing ever since, and all the people of Paradise throughout Adam will enter Paradise at this length, God willing.

And the angels passed by Adam, who was created from clay, and Satan was terrified of the clay of the body because he was pottery, and Satan says, "For something I created." Then he enters his mouth and comes out of his ass and says to the angels, "Do not be intimidated by this, if I have been imposed on him, I will destroy him, and if he is given rise to me, I will disobey him."

Adam marveled at the creation of Adam and from the beginning there was enmity with him against Adam, peace be upon him, and then God Almighty breathed the soul into Adam.

Inflating the soul into Adam's body clay and turning it into the current human image

Talking about the details of the breath of the soul in Adam, peace be upon him, when the soul breathed into his head and the soul sneezed. The angels said, "Praise be to Allah, the Almighty, may God have mercy on you, said, your Lord. That is, before the soul was completed in Adam, mercy descended on him. When the soul entered the eyes of Adam, peace be upon him, he looked at the fruits of Paradise, and when the soul reached his heart, the fruits craved. Before the soul reached his feet, he desired to feed, and before the soul reached his feet, he rushed to the fruits of Paradise. And the Lord anointed Adam's back and came out of his offspring until the Day of Judgement.

May God command the angels and Satan to prostrate to Adam

And when God created Adam, he ordered the angels and Satan to prostrate to Adam, and Adam was in the status of angels and he was not among them. God says, "We created you and photographed you, then we said to the angels, worship Adam, and they prostrated except Satan, who was not one of the worshipper. He said, "What prevented you not to prostrate when I ordered you?" He said, "I'm better than him, you created me from fire and you created him from clay."

When Satan disobeyed, God replied to him with the punishment of taking him out of Paradise: "He said, "Go down from it, so why don't you not be arrogant in it, for you are one of the losers." He said, look at me on the day they are sent. He said you are a theorist. He said, "Because you seduced me, I will sit your straight path for them, and then you will come to them from before them and behind them and from their oaths and from their honours, and you will not find most of them thankful." He said, "Get out of it reprehensible and reprehensible to those who follow you, so that they will fill all of them."

The first sin in the world was for Satan

In other verses, God Almighty tells the reaction of Satan when God created Adam and ordered the prostration to him: "And when we said to the angels worship Adam, and they prostrated except Satan. He said, "Prostrate to the one who created clay." 61 He said, "I saw you, which you honoured me. If you delay until the Day of Judgement, his offspring will give you only a little." (62) He said, "Go, whoever follows you, for hell, your reward is a reward is a reward given." 63 And provoke those of them with your voice, and bring your stingy and your leg, and share with them your wealth and children, and He promised them nothing but arrogance." (64) My servants have no authority over them. Your Lord is sufficient as an agent. (65) Your Lord, who brings you in the sea, so that you may seek the astronomy. From his bounty. Indeed, he was merciful to you.

Adam was a scientist and more knowr than angels

When Adam stood after blowing the soul into it, God Almighty said to him, "This number of angels came to them and went to them and said, "Peace be upon you," and he spoke Arabic." They said, "Peace and God's mercy be upon you." God Almighty said to him, "This is your greeting and the greeting of your descendants among them."

In the Holy Qur'an, it is proven that Adam was a man of knowledge. He taught Adam all the names, then presented them to the angels. He said, "Tell me the names of these, if you are truthful." They said, "Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what you taught us. You are the All-Knowing, the Wise." (32) He said, "O Adam, tell them their names." When he told them their names, "Didn't I tell you that I know the unseen of the heavens and the earth, and I know what you look, and what you were not concealed?" 33 When we said to the angels, "Worship Adam, and prostrate except the devil, my father and arrogant, and he was one of the disbelievers."

It means that God Almighty presented beings to the angels and asked them about their names, and they did not know. Adam, peace be upon him, answered with the knowledge that God gave him. Therefore, God assured them that Adam knew better than them and more honourable than them, and prostration was a prostration for him, not prostration of worship.

Adam lives in heaven alone, and God creates Eve for him

Adam, peace be upon him, lived in Paradise, but he felt lonely and bored. One day while he was sleeping, God Almighty took a rib from his left and formed the first human female, Eve. When Adam woke up, he found Eve next to him, and asked her: "Who are you?" And she said, "A woman," and he said, "Why were you created?" She said, "Dwell to me."

The angels asked Adam, "What is her name?" And he said, "Ewa," and they said, "Why did you call Eve?" He said because she was created from something alive.

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "And recommend women, for the woman was created from a rib, and if something is crooked in the rib above, if she goes, you will evaluate it, you will break it, and if you leave it, it will not remain crooked."

Eve was the most beautiful woman created from women all over the world.

And Satan's obsessiveness to Adam for disobeying God

Adam, peace be upon him, lived in Paradise and allowed him to eat and live a luxurious life, along with his wife, Eve, but it is forbidden for them to eat a certain tree. God Almighty warned Adam that Satan is an enemy of him and his wife, and wants Adam and Eve to get out of the paradise where he does not starve, does not go hungry, nor thirst

And then Iblis's whisper began for Adam, and Satan was allowed to enter Paradise for the sake of whispering. This whisper was able to covet them that this tree is the tree of mole and the king. When they ate from the tree, their clothes fell and their nakedness appeared. Adam was shy and Eve was He said, "No, Lord, I did not flee from you, but it is shy to see me naked and disobedient in this way."

Eve eats from the tree first and covets Adam

And the first to eat from the tree is Eve, and she is the one who covets Adam to eat from the tree. The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Were it not for Eve, the female would not betray her husband." She made him disobey.

God told them that he forbade them from eating that tree, so they asked him for forgiveness and he forgave them after they said, "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if you do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers." But he decided to go down to the earth and live there.

And the verses of the Holy Quran explain this:

And Adam, dwell you and your husband in Paradise, both from wherever you want, and do not approach this tree, so you will be among the wrongdoers. (19) Satan whispered for them to show them what was seen from their evil deeds. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree except that you are kings or to be immor

And we said, "O Adam, dwell you and your wife in Paradise, and each of it in abundance wherever you want, and do not approach this tree, so you will be among the wrongdoers." 35 So Satan removed them from it, and bring them out of what they were in. And We said, "Down down some of you to some enemy, and you have settled and enjoyment on earth for a while." (36) Adam received words from his Lord, so he repented to him. He is the Oft-Returning, the Most Merciful."

Adam and Eve descended on earth in India

Adam went down in India and Eve went down in Jeddah and met in Arafat in Mecca, and then God Almighty spread mankind. Al-Tabari recounts that Eve gave birth to Adam forty children in each male and female belly, the first of which is Cain and his sister Kalima, and the last of which is Abdul-Mughith and his sister Umm Al-Mughith.

And people began to multiply and reproduce, and their prophet Adam, peace be upon him, was the one who taught them the religion, and they were all monotheists, so the people were one mother, and they had no polytheists.

The Prophet says that the first messengers are Adam, and a prophet sent by God created with his hand, then breathed into it from his soul, and then he speaks to him before (i.e. without medium or revelation).

When Adam descended from heaven to earth, he taught him the workmanship of everything, so he descended as a scientist and a Mexican and knew the main methods of industry (making iron, fire, wood, textiles, etc.) from the beginning of creation, contrary to what some say.

Omar Adam, peace be upon him

Adam lived for a thousand years and saw huge numbers of his descendants, which could reach 400,000. One of Adam's first sons, Cain, and God Almighty mentioned the story of Cain with his brother Abel in his honourable book.

The death of Adam, peace be upon him

Adam, peace be upon him, died, and the story of his burial is that before he died, he entrusted to Shaith, the son of Adam, who was provided by God Almighty after the murder of Abel, and Seth meant the gift of God, after Adam grieved him very saddened him. In the correct hadith about the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, God revealed 100 newspapers and four newspapers (i.e., the number of newspapers sent from God 104), of which were sent down to Seth 50 newspapers (I mean the son of Adam and had laws and organisation). Adam Seth taught most of the knowledge he had, but he could not get all the cases.

Angels wash Adam, shroud him, and bury him

In the hadith of the Prophet, Adam, when death came to him, he said to his sons before he was arrested, "I crave the fruits of Paradise. He said, so they went to ask for him, and the angels greeted them with the shrouds and condour, with them axes, burials, and machetes. They

And the angels prayed for Adam the funeral prayer and buried him, then urged him to dust, then they said to the children of Adam, "O children of Adam, this is your year."

Adam, peace be upon him, died after a whole life in obedience to God Almighty, and disobeyed him only once when he ate the tree and God never disobeyed others throughout his life on earth 960 years, and he is an example.

Eve dies one year after Adam's death