The story of Idris

After the death of Adam, peace be upon him, his son Seth took power on earth with justice and goodness, but corruption spread in the plains among the people of Cain, the son of Adam, and crimes spread, including murder, they began to kill among themselves and kill among the people who come from the mountains from the mountains of other sons of Adam, and corruption spread.

Adam's sons mix with the sons of Cain, the disobedient

This came in what Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated when he reads the saying of Allah Almighty: "And do not bergify the first ignorance." He said that two bellies of Adam's sons (i.e., the people of Cain and those who stayed with Adam were among his children) lived in plain, the other lived in the mountains, and the men of the mountains were morning of faces, and in women were dumbama (meaning less beautiful). The women of the plain were beautiful, and in the men were garbage, and Satan came a man from the people of the plain in the form of a boy, so he rewarded himself from them (i.e.e., he started working with a man from the people of Cain) and served him, and this boy (Iblis) started teaching them musicians and songs, so he took Satan cursed God on him something like the one in which the shepherds were immersed, so he came to him with a voice like which people did not hear, so it reached those around them (i.e. the sounds of songs began to reach people in the mountains), so they listen to him and they took a feast to gather to him in the year.

On the day of Eid, women are groomed for men. The mountain group began to look at the beauty of women, so he tempted them. Some men from the mountains began to sneak in and go to the plains. It was one of the law of Shethaben Adam. It was forbidden to mix with the sons and daughters of Cain. A man from the people of the mountain attacked them while they were on their feast. He saw the women and morning, so he returned and told his companions. All of them wanted to look at them, so they began to turn to them and went down to them while they were groomed on the day of Eid, so obscenity appeared in it, which is adultery, and this is the beginning of adultery.

Ibn Abbas says, "This is the interpretation of the saying of Allah, the Exalted, "And do not be blessed with the first ignorance."

The mission of the Prophet Idris, peace be upon him

Seth's group decreased and the group of Cain increased until the Prophet of God, Idris, peace be upon him, came, one of the descendants of Seth. Idris was born in Adam's life and realised 120 years from Adam's life, and God chose Idris after the death of Adam and Shaith as a prophet and messenger.

In the hadith, he is the first prophet after Adam and Shaith, peace be upon them, and he was the first to write with the pen and spread the writing among people.

The description of the prophet of God, Idris, peace be upon him

He described him, as told Ibn Kathir, he was tall, well-faced, beard full of wicked, wide of shoulders, huge bones, low-skinny flesh, shiny eyes, eyeliner, careful in his words, very silent, inhabiting the members calm if he walks more, looking more at the earth, with a lot of thought and

The law of Idris, peace be upon him, was the first to legalise jihad

Idris, peace be upon him, continued to add to the law of his grandfather, because he is a messenger by the command of God who legislates. When he saw corruption, it began to spread and they began to attack the righteous believers, then he legislated jihad. He was the first to fight in the cause of Allah and the first to take a sheep and a path of Allah.

He prepared an army with horses and pedestrians, attacked the people of Cain, defeated them, and a spa from them, and battles began between right and wrong and evil and good.

Idris' death in the fourth heaven

Little mention was mentioned to us about Idris, peace be upon him, but God referred to him in his honourable book in Surat Maryam: and mention in the book Idris. He was a prophetic friend (56) and we raised him to a higher place.

In the honourable hadith: Idris' soul was caught in the fourth heaven after he ascended with one of the angels to heaven.

Ibn Jarir narrated in the interpretation of this verse and said: Yunus bin Abdul-Ali told me, "We told Ibn Wahhab. Jarir bin Hazem told me about Suleiman Al-Amash, about Shammar bin Atiyah. Hilal bin Yasaf said: Ibn Abbas asked Kaaba, and I am present. He said to And he also spoke to me, the angel of death, so let him delay me until I increase my work, and he carried him between his wings, until he ascended him to heaven. When he was in the fourth heaven, the angel of death met them downhill. He spoke to the king of death in which Idris spoke to him, and he said, "And where He said, "Here's on my back."

The king of death said, "Wonderful!" I was sent and told, "Catch the spirit of Idris in the fourth heaven." I made saying, "How can I catch his soul in the fourth heaven when he is on earth?" He caught his soul there.

The death of Idris, peace be upon him

Idriss, peace be upon him, died, and no prophet was sent and people were left on the law of Sheith, the law of Idris, and the law of Adam, and corruption spread, and people began to increase in their corruption, but they remained monotheism and idols did not spread among them. They remained monotheism for a thousand years after ….