Combat Test Tournament

Abalax World Academy, Espat.

Inside the test room.

A black haired teen appeared out of thin air in the well lit room. His clothes were tattered, his hair disheveled, there were blood stains everywhere on him and his whole body seemed pale. The examiner looked at him and said in a neutral tone

"Congratulations. You have passed. The last test would be the Combat Test Tournament. It'll be 15 days later. Goodluck."

After the examiner said that, the black haired boy vanished from the spot.

The examiner had been watching the boy and a few others. He was incharge of examining the students who had failed the comprehension test and out of all the students who had gone to the other dimension, only this black haired boy seemed extraordinary to him.

The examiner had noticed everything that the boy did, from the way he used his abilities, ran from strong creatures and whatever things he muttered in those 100 days.