Liam makes a move

Lith's dorm, Abalax sky island.

Lith had finished his lunch and was now working with Arya on his reflexes and response time. She was throwing tennis balls at him at a fast frequency, and there were several of them.

Lith's goal was to catch as many of these balls as he could and place them in a basket he was holding in one hand while the other was free to catch the balls. He had to switch hands every minute.

He could dodge them if he wanted but the goal was to collect 50 balls in 10 minutes. It was painful to get hit and catch it but Lith had a high pain tolerance and it didn't matter much if he got hit.

Arya threw tennis balls at roughly 100m/s from a distance of 50 metres away from Lith and this was how their training was going on.

Lith got hit by the tennis balls many times but somehow managed to collect 42 tennis balls by the end of 10 minutes.