Rigged Tournament

Near an oasis, in a hot desert region, space fluctuated and Ralph teleported out at a random spot. He looked around and saw nothing but yellow-colored sand everywhere and a small oasis a few hundred meters away from him. He walked towards the oasis and on his way, he saw not a single sign of any life. It felt weird.

Even in the most extreme and harsh conditions, there were some or the other signs of life but here there were none. This seemed a bit suspicious to Ralph. He had his guard up as he walked towards the oasis and tried his best to observe everything around him.

He reached the oasis and found there to be only a small hut, a small pond, and a few edible crops and fruits growing around. He walked into the hut and saw there to be nothing but a small note lying on the ground. He was extra cautious when found such a suspicious thing and slowly walked inside to see what the note was about.