Card game with Emilia (2)

Lith, Ralph, Dennis, and Emilia were looking at each other. Each had seven cards in their hands. The card to be played was either a red or a number 8 and it was Lith's turn.

Lith took a red number 1 card and placed it on top of the red number 8 card present on the table. 

It was now Emilia's turn. The order with which they played was: First it was Lith, then Emilia, followed by Dennis and lastly Ralph. 

Emilia played a Red 5. Dennis followed with a Red 2 and Ralph played a Red 9.

It was back to Lith again. Lith looked at his cards and smiled. He really was lucky, it seems. Lith turned his head to look at Emilia and saw her looking back at him with her beautiful blue eyes through her round gold rim glasses and with a gentle smile.

Such a beautiful face of hers made him want to not cause problems for her. She seemed so gentle and innocent that he felt like protecting her and not bringing harm to her.