Dark Church's Symbol

Lith and the others were out of the obelisk after the war had ended. The trio had learnt a lot of things there and it was a fruitful opportunity for them to experience this.

They were now touring various different monuments. They were now actually touring Espat and sightseeing after being done learning. They spent the rest of the day sightseeing and went back to Lenz Tower, had their dinner and slept.

The next day.

"So where are we going today, teacher?" Dennis rubbed his hair with a towel and asked. He had just come out of shower and his hair was wet.

"Different tourist spots we missed yesterday." Emilia said calmly.

Dennis nodded his head in understanding.

The four then had breakfast together and left to tour once again. This time they were sightseeing at various different places of worship such as shrines, temples, and churches.

Half of their day was spent looking at temples and shrines and now it was time to see the churches.