Plans for future

Hearing Lith say those words, Lilith felt warm in her heart. She kissed Lith's forehead and hugged him.

"Thank you, baby."

Lith hugged her back and said, "I love you, mama." 

"I love you too, baby." Lilith replied back.

The two sat silently like that for a while with Lilith being in Lith's embrace.

Lilith then taught a few things to Lith and had him drink her blood. She left after doing so, leaving Lith alone in his room.

Lith freshened up and decided to meet Ralph and Dennis. Their vacation was going to start in three days and it would last for a month.

He texted the two to come down and they did. The three sat near the glass table in the lounge room.

"How have you two been?" Lith asked the two as they got settled.

It had been almost a month since they met, he thus asked them that.

"Good." Ralph said a single word and stopped speaking.