Need Approval

Lith's dorm, Abalax Sky Island.

Lith was lying on his bed with Lilith hugging her from the side and sleeping on his chest. He was caressing her silky silver hair while thinking about a few things.

An hour passed just like that when Lith kissed Lilith's forehead and said, "mom, time to get up."

Hearing this, Lilith snuggled closer to him and said in a spoiler manner, "five more minutes."

Lith smiled and didn't say anything more to her. He simply caressed her hair again and waited.

Five minutes later, Lilith got up from Lith's embrace and stretched, causing her big bosoms to jiggle. This obviously didn't go unnoticed by Lith but since he had played with them enough today, he restrained himself from touching them again.

The two took a bath together afterwards and after giving a goodbye kiss to Lith, Lilith left his dorm floor.