Video Erased

In just half an hour, the video of Lith's farewell spread like wildfire on the internet and became a very hot topic. The most popular one was a tveet made by a person and it got fifty million views already.

However, things didn't last for long and that tveet was taken down immediately by the website where it was published. Not only that, all things related to Lith's farewell were removed one by one on that website by the staff working there.

In just another thirty minutes, Lith's farewell video was erased from all major places on the internet and there were no traces of the video, just people talking about it on blogs and forums and wondering why such an event had occurred.

Ten minutes later, hackers from around the world spammed the video into various places just for fun and to mess with governments present around the globe. But soon, those videos were erased as well and the hackers were hunted down.