War Declaration

"Shadow River Sect has been in conflict with the Senzal Clan and Kenzal Clan for the past 10,000 years. It has been an endless power struggle between the three parties, but was in controlled form. But, as of current, the Shadow River Sect has crossed all boundaries and broken this control by assassinating four important figures of the Senzal Clan."

"It is for this reason that the two clans have come to a decision to not follow the peaceful and non-violent approach anymore and with the approval of the Council of the Neutral Continent, Senzal Clan and Kenzal Clan declare the commencement of wa, starting this winter, on the Shadow River Sect and shall enter into a direct conflict with the aforementioned party."

The elder finished reading what was on the scroll and waited for the two sect masters to speak on this.

Wan stroked his beard and said, "Interesting. It is indeed going to be an all-out war now."