18 years old

Two years passed.

Lith was now 18 years old. For two years, he had been cultivating hard and when he used to take breaks in between, he was given information about whatever that was happening in the outside world.

Today was a day for his break again. He had stopped because he felt that he would in just a few more days to Rank 8.

Lith got up from the pedestal and his lush silver hair fluttered lightly. They had become longer and fell on his shoulders. He was wearing a white daoist robe and so his build wasn't visible but he had become taller. Previously he was 172 cm tall and now he's 186 cm tall. 

It wasn't just the physical growth. His aura and demeanor had changed as well. The childish nature from his face was starting to disappear and he was looking like someone experienced and seasoned.