21 years old

Three years passed.

Lith was now 21 years old. After three long years of cultivating, assassinating, and meditating, he was finally going to ascend to Rank 9. He was very excited for this as he knew his hard work had finally paid off.

He could feel his ascension nearing and he was about to cultivate even further and break through when he felt that it wasn't a good idea. He thought of taking a break for a few days and he could continue after that.

Lith opened his eyes and his amethyst purple eyes had a completely different look in it than before. His face was the same and so was his demeanor. All the childishness was gone from his face, his jawline became sharper and there was not even an ounce of baby fat on his face left. He now looked like a serious, cold, and emotionless guy.