Slight trust issues

Administration building, Shadow River Sect.

Inside the big hall of the admin building, there were only Lith and the two Sect Masters present.

There was a raised platform above which there were two chairs present, below the platform were two rows of chairs at each side of the hall.

The chairs above the platform were empty and nobody was sitting on it.

The two Sect Masters were sitting opposite to Lith on the chairs present below. It was to signify that they were talking to Lith as equals and didn't accidentally end up offending him.

The two Sect Masters were really shocked when they first saw Lith. It was as if Lith's personality had taken a total flip and his handsomeness and his divine figure was something they had never seen in their lives.

But they knew well how to compose themselves and were now talking to Lith normally.

"So, Sir Ray, you're here for…?" Sect Master Wan asked.

"To participate in the war." Lith said calmly.