Chat with the Draculas

The Dracula Castle, Milano.

Dennis was pacing back and forth in his room with a worried expression. He had even stopped playing games. 

"How do I convince mom and dad? How do I do it… how… hmm… there should be some way… think, think, think, think…" 

Dennis had a lot of unfinished work present on him. His parents had given him tasks to do so that he doesn't slack around and completes it. It was for Dennis's own benefit. 

But in the end, Dennis was Dennis and he ended up slacking as usual and didn't finish it. Had he known that he would be invited by the Prince in a war, he wouldn't have slacked as much.

A few minutes of thinking later, Dennis sighed and gave up. He went to his study table and sat on it. 

He smacked both his thighs and said while readying himself, "Alright Dennis, you can do it."

He was motivating himself to get to work and finish it as soon as possible.