Delayed Further

Control room, SKCT.

The people were panicking inside all the while sinking into the oblivions of madness. 

Even the Rank 9 incharge wasn't an exception to this and the only thing that separated him from the others was the fact that he was still slightly sane and the speed at which he was turning mad was slower than the others.

While this bunch screamed, yelled, cursed, laughed, and showed a varied psychotic behaviour, a bit away from them, up on the branches of trees, a group of people were watching with a calm gaze.

"Your Highness, should we attack?" Dennis, donning a suit of the Dracula military and having a black hat on his head while holding a katana in his hands, said.

"Don't ask me. I am not the one in charge." Lith didn't look at Dennis and said calmly while gazing towards the people in the control room.

Dennis didn't mind it and turning to Ralph, he asked, "Ralph, should we attack?"