Strange occurances in the Astral World

Meditating for a while, Lith felt as if someone was calling him. He opened his eyes and looked around but there was no one present except for the white strings of elemental energies.

'Is it just my imagination?' Lith wondered.

He closed his eyes again and went back to meditating. However, the feeling of someone calling him returned and he couldn't help but open his eyes again and look around.

This felt a bit creepy and Lith thought of moving somewhere else.

Lith walked passed the white strings and went in some random direction. However, he felt as if someone was whispering something in his ears and when he turned to that direction, he saw nobody except the white strings fluctuating strangely, as if showing him a path to somewhere.

'Yeah, definitely a trap. I am not going.' Lith flew up in the air and started flying to a place far away from where the strange noise was pointing him towards.