A Link was formed

Hundreds of thousands of thoughts crossed Lith's mind each minute and although it was taking a toll on him, he didn't falter and continued to think as much as he could.

In this way, a good while passed and the external force's control soon became weaker, eventually giving Lith the control of his own consciousness.

As Lith gained control of his body, in the vast expanse of darkness, behind the slightly cracked barrier, the immortal core trembled.

It shook slightly with each passing moment as Lith gained control of himself and as Lith had more and more control, the immortal core shook even more intensely.

The small crack on the barrier started spreading and as time passed and Lith gained more control of himself, the cracking intensified and more light from the immortal core seeped out.

Back on Lith's side, he was having the time of his life despite being in a pickle.