"No! Wait!"
Lith looked at her and asked, "what now? Didn't you say you won't do things to make me uncomfortable? I want to leave, can I not?"
Lucifer shook her head as she heard that. "You can do as you please, but why do you want to leave? Do you not want to hang out with me?"
Lith seriously had trouble understanding the lady in front. The more he conversed with her, the more he felt his IQ drop to the surrounding temperature.
The conversation really had no meaning behind it.
Lith seriously looked at Lucifer and said, "Why would I want to hang out with you?"
"You don't want to? Why?" Lucifer asked again.
Lucifer failed to realize that she was a complete stranger to Lith. Though she may have known Lith even before his birth, Lith had never once seen Lucifer in his life.