Vampire sleeping traditions

Lith was sitting in the courtyard, sipping on tea while waiting for further instructions from his mother.

It had been quite a while and she should be here any moment now.

As expected, fifteen minutes later, Lilith arrived in the courtyard.

"It's done. You can sleep peacefully now." Lilith hugged Lith from behind and said with a smile.

"I don't understand… What special things are you doing? Why can't I just sleep on the bed?" Lith asked, a bit confused.

Lilith grabbed Lith's hand and said, "Come, see things for yourself and you'll understand." 

The two then walked in the hallways of the castle and coming to the end of it, there was a spiral staircase leading down in the basement.

Lith walked through them and if he wasn't wrong, he was ten levels under the ground now.

Walking in the tenth level, they soon reached an open space and Lilith stopped walking further.

"We are here." She said.