Lucy's Snippets All Over The Internet

Without caring for the reporters or the cameras, Lucy walked the red carpet to enter the City Hall.

She walked slowly yet confidently and with each step, her overbearing authority only seemed to increase.

A few steps behind her was Freya in a blue dress, and behind her were Noman and Ruben respectively.

As Lucy went inside the City Hall and was gone from the sight of the reporters, it was only then did they stop zoning out and come back to reality.

The same was the case with everyone watching the live stream and no sooner did that happen, the people went crazy over the chat.

Millions of snippets from the live stream were taken and started circulating all around the internet in no time, making everyone have a look at how the Vampire Royalties seemed.

This sudden appearance of the Vampire Royalty greatly shocked everyone all around the world but they had gone too busy re-watching the snippet again and again.