Situation Under Control

City Hall, Evernight City.

The Supreme Ranks were sitting around the round table and discussing various issues such as security and other geopolitical tensions that were happening in the world.

Lilith and Arya stayed quiet in this matter and it was the others who were actively taking part in this conversation.

While the conversation went on, Arya, sitting beside Lilith, felt her phone suddenly vibrate. 

Wondering what could be so urgent that her phone was vibrating, she took it out and checked it.

As Arya went through the things on it, her jolly mood immediately dropped and the smile from her face was wiped out.

Although her mood was at the lowest currently, she didn't express it on her face and sat calmly in her place.

She put her phone away and thought it was best if she left this place. 

However, just as she was about to get up and leave, she felt someone hold her hand.