Scared Solväire

Solväire's roar shook the guards and they couldn't help but tremble.

Despite being yelled at, they weren't able to answer properly as they didn't know who the person was. All they knew was that it was a lesser noble and that's what they answered to Solväire.

Solväire cursed the guards for being incompetent as he heard that and he rushed with Haru's head inside the building in hopes of reviving him.

Haru was his childhood friend who was now managing many taverns under the Blanc name. He was living a good life but Solväire didn't know how tragedy would strike at such a point in life.

Haru had no enemies or conflict with anyone. How he was in such a state, Solväire couldn't figure out.

But he put everything regarding the matter aside as reviving Haru took more priority.

He put him in a resurrection spell and tried reviving him. But to Solväire's shock, he couldn't find a connection to Haru's core!

"What's wrong!?" Solväire exclaimed.