Lucas's Frustration

Next day.



Lucas punched the wall in his room while screaming on top of his lungs due to frustration. The reason being the encounter that happened yesterday.

Although Lucas didn't remember much of it, the system told him a few things and with what he already knew, he realized he messed up real good this time.

The time when Lucas had planned to reveal himself and have an encounter with Lith was way ahead, approximately thousands of years later. But it all happened so soon and he wasn't ready by any means.

Lucas didn't know why, but he had a feeling that he would definitely be watched by the Vampire Prince and whatever he was planning may foil even if he didn't do anything.

All the hard work he did until now was all for naught and caused him even greater frustration. 

Lucas had been punching the wall for quite some time due to this.

"Why was I hasty!!?? Why!?!?!"