Saving Fairies

Lith's question made Bella realize her blunder and apologize to Lilith and Lith both. 

'What is the Prince even made of!?' She thought to herself as she looked at him. 

Lilith could tell Bella's confusion and surprise. One by one, she cleared all her doubts and little by little, Bella's surprise only went on to increase to multiple folds. 

She was told that Lith was born just two decades ago, had super strong wives, respect of all maidservants, his other achievements, skills, and so on.

By the end, Bella was so shocked that she didn't even know what to say or so. She just stood there with an open mouth and stared at Lith with pure stupor. 

Lilith, lightly touching Bella's chin and closing her mouth, said to Lith, "since you know who she is now, don't feel uncomfortable if she's around. If you have something to discuss with mama, wait in the courtyard otherwise you're free to do whatever you want."