Lilith’s Love

Once Lilith was back to normal, she first panicked and looked for her children. 

Finding that they were around, her panic subdued and she pulled them in her embrace, hugging them and sighing heavily.

"My babies…" 

Those were the first words that came out of Lilith's mouth. She kissed Lith and Lucy's heads from above while a few drops of tears trickled down her face.

Legendary Ranks were Gods but they weren't emotionless beings.

In fact, they were the beings who felt each and every emotion to the finest details and felt every bit of them. 

Knowing everything, many would become numb to emotions, but the majority would retain everything like a normal person and continue on with their lives.

It was due to the limitless experiences they had that they would usually not show much changes in their emotions even if the most cruel thing in the world were to happen to them.