Maze Cleared

Deep within the heart of the mysterious desert maze, Lith sensed a foreboding presence. 

The air grew thick with an eerie stillness, and an unsettling chill crept down his spine. 

As he ventured further, the walls of the maze transformed, taking on a sinister aura.

At the center of the maze, Lith discovered a chamber bathed in a dim, flickering light. 

There, looming before him, stood a towering statue—a grotesque fusion of stone and darkness. Its eyes, glowing with an ominous red hue, seemed to penetrate Lith's very soul.

The statue exuded an aura of malevolence, its jagged contours and twisted features evoking a sense of primal fear. Its outstretched hand held a relic pulsating with dark energy, casting an unsettling glow over the chamber. 

Lith felt the weight of ancient malice, as if the statue itself was a vessel for a long-forgotten evil.

'For the first time, I am feeling an evil aura.' Lith thought to himself.