

The chains untangled themselves completely and fell to the ground, showcasing a bright sphere that illuminated the entirety of the dark hall.


A blue-colored phoenix flapped its wings and soared high into the sky. 


A black tiger jumped into the sky from the bright sphere, roaring loudly.


A giant twelve-headed serpent hissed its way up in the air. 

Three more beasts joined this party, with the rest three being a bear, a boar, and a sugar glider. 

The six beasts roamed the skies of the dark hall while shrieking as loudly as they could.

These were the spirits the rabbit-man was talking about which held immense providence within them.

The six were expecting to see one spirit as Mr. Carrot had mentioned, however, it was a surprise to see six for one person each.

While the spirits circled the air, within the bright sphere emerged six similar wooden sticks.